the land he had a cabin on. It was made from pieces left over from a bedroom set made from the same tree. The cabinet still has many of the tools my grandfather used 60 years ago.
     Over the years, I have made furniture, games, kitchen ware, tools, toys, and have many ideas for future items. I have loved coming up with different ideas and making multiple items and giving them to family for Christmas and surprising everyone. In 2003, I made 9 croquet sets. I even turned the croquet balls on my lathe. I found a use for all of the
wood chips from the lathe – some went to the compost pile for fertilizer, and a friend took some and used them in his filter system in his fish tanks. To this day not one maple ball or mallet has broken - much to my surprise.
     In 2008, I retired to do what I love - spend time in my workshop. One concern we had was how I would pay for the never ending need to buy wood and the need for that one last tool that I needed to complete my workshop. I think I have bought that "last tool" a hundred times over the years.
site by devon clark